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Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness

I was inspired last week by Rockstar Finance’s community fund project (site no longer exists). An awesome project of enabling people to make a difference in their communities by a few random acts of kindness.

I set aside R250 and asked Twitter what I should do.

Twitter poll

Making a difference with random acts of kindness

Let me start by saying that it would have been easier doing this with someone else’s money. The reason is that I would then simply be a facilitator in the process and the focus would always be on the good being done and not on me nor my intentions. Writing now about how I’ve given people money brings the focus on me when really the whole point of this is to focus on the huge problem of immense poverty that we encounter daily in South Africa.

There is a huge disparity between those who have money and those who don’t and it’s easy to see the problem and to ignore the individuals affected. It literally is impossible to help everyone I encounter each day and that often makes me feel like not helping anyone. It is bizarre logic I know, but I sometimes feel like the man in the “star fish story” and think that I’m wasting my time & energy.

It is however nice to sometimes just help someone for no real reason and with absolutely no judgement or grudge feelings. Random acts of kindness not only assist the beneficiaries, but also help you to feel better about life and the world in general. Weird how giving someone something can make you feel better. LOL

Tyre repair man

I went to have my tyre repaired over the weekend and the guy who assisted was really friendly and helpful. I know he has a job and is probably not in dire straits, but he sure was happy to receive a R50 tip. The smile and vigorous handshake sure showed his appreciation! I didn’t ask his name and don’t know much about him but he seemed like a real decent guy just trying to make a living.


An old lady approach me outside a shop the other day and asked if I would buy her some vegetables. I was a little annoyed at the time as I’d just had to replace my car tyre. This after leaving work early with the intention of getting home early. Such a frustrating day! So being hot & bothered (with really dirty hands) I wasn’t in the mood to be nice to strangers. Whilst shopping though I realised again how privileged I am to be in a healthy financial situation and that I had specifically decided to help a few people.

I found her when I was done and chatted a bit and gave her R50. She was so lovely and hugged and kissed me and then started telling me her story. She’s 71 years old and is raising her 4 grandchildren off a measly state pension. Despite her hardship she seemed positive about the future and she was certainly proud of her grandchildren. I ended up giving her another R50 because she was just so lovely. That resulted in more hugs, kisses and even some low-budget recipes. If I see her again I will definitely stop to chat!

Random beggar at traffic lights

Today I purposely drove down a specific road to find a beggar that I see almost daily. He’s always got a huge smile and insists on a fist-bump from every driver (even through a closed window). I don’t know what his story is but simply looking at him it’s clear that life is really tough. I gave him R100 and he was most grateful. It probably won’t help a lot and won’t change his situation, but I gave him a little hope the day.

And finally

I know I didn’t make any long term difference to any of these people, but sometimes it’s nice to just show some random acts of kindness to others and to recognise people’s situations and your own. No matter what your situation, remember to appreciate what you have!

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